Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There's no need to rub it in, jerk

I can barely get through on medium and here he is laying waste to the hardest song on expert.

Question. Can the kid land a tailwheeler in a crosswind on a paved strip?

Didn't think so.

Plus I'm taller. Just.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Nowra Air Show

I recently flew in to Nowra to view an air show, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the commissioning of HMAS Albatross.

White Ensign below a Sea King.

Mass flypast, a sight rarely seen.

Iroquois, belonging to the RAN historic flight.

DeHavilland Vampire belonging to the Temora Aviation Museum, repainted in RAN colours and performing a very graceful handling display.

Taxiing back.

C-47 Dakota belonging to the Historic Aircraft Restoration Society. I had the pleasure of following this aircraft on final on arrival at Nowra, and on takeoff at departure.

Sadly, my camera ran out of battery charge shortly afterwards, so no more photos.