Monday, September 12, 2005

All I am asking for is blind, unquestioning obedience. Is that too much to ask?


At 9:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get a dog???

At 12:58 am, Blogger Chris said...

Why would you think I have a dog?

Yes, old Charlie Lima Sierra, a C172 from Basair ended upside down on top of somebody's car in the carpark at Bankstown. That's all I know.

This is a bummer for everybody involved. I flew CLS once - not a bad old plane. I think my mate Jacques might be a bit more annoyed - it's his regular ride.

At 10:25 pm, Blogger Kirrily said...

Chris won't let me get a dog

At 10:35 pm, Blogger Chris said...

Honey, can we take this offline, please?

At 10:44 pm, Blogger Kirrily said...

If we can get a dog we can...

At 11:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well with a post that says:

"All I am asking for is blind, unquestioning obedience. Is that too much to ask?"

one would think that you had a dog...

But if you were referring to the lovely Kir, one would think that she would get her back up about obedience - wouldn't one? You must explain your unusual statement...

At 11:39 pm, Blogger Chris said...

Ok, Anonymous, if that IS your real name.

You (I'm guessing) weren't at work when I said it.

We were asked to applaud the appointment of Ainsley Harriot as newest shiftie, but not all of the office applauded. I venemously harangued them for not immediately and mindlessly obeying my smallest whim.

At 11:41 pm, Blogger Chris said...

In case it isn't obvious, this is all said in jest.


At 12:43 pm, Blogger Kirrily said...

I still want a dog!

At 7:18 pm, Blogger Chief Bastard said...

Ah Chris, you are so screwed now. I know who's going to win this argument, and it won't be you. You get to name it Killer or Rambo or something like that. And teach it to chew her slippers. Piss funny.

At 9:04 pm, Blogger Kirrily said...

Well, of course it's going to be called Fluffy or Princess - regardless of gender...

At 9:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But he'd probably want to call it "Top Gun", or "Mav", or "Ice" or some other flyboy name...

At 3:05 am, Blogger Kirrily said...

You should hear the names he comes up with for our future children! The last one was Aerial when I suggested Ariel!


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