Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Was I not giving enough away in my previous post?

Jack the cat chases black bear up tree

Also - note to self - do NOT try to escape a bear attack by climbing a tree.

In other news, I completed my seventh and final commercial pilot exam today - nagivation, with a respectable 88%. That is an average of 84.4%, with no fails or resits - which is nothing to crow about, nor be ashamed about. Now I only have to log another 80 or so hours, get a night VFR rating and a retractable gear endorsement and I can start on the practical qualification. In other words, a long way to go yet.


At 3:57 am, Blogger Kirrily said...

Congratulations on the final exam HB - though you failed to mention that you misread the time of the exam and got there 5 hours early! :-)

At 7:37 pm, Blogger Chris said...

Yes, thanks for that.

At 10:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, umm, i get the 'bear & cat' pic now LOL...
Congrats on your exam :-)

At 11:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chris, what do you intend to do about the water. i don't even live in NSW,

edwardshanlon - the other half !


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